Sunday, September 28, 2008

Russian Folk songs und French Oh La La//Can't compare with that German Om pah pah

Sadly there is no um-pah-pahing in this clever video about German modernization from synthpop musician Pal van Dyk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the ruins of 1945, to the new life on the futball fields (just don't get TOO excited all you good German volk), to the building of the Berlin wall & then its destruction & the guys in the bar (just don't get TOO excited in those German beer halls) & the mystery guy with the camera who never ages & the great iconic moments he walks through -- what a great shot of the kids standing on the rubble holding hands & waving at the Berlin Airlift -- I feel as if I just watched a great if slightly worrying movie (just don't get TOO fond of the fatherland i think) because even though I didn't understand a word, it doesn't matter because as JFK said, "I too am a doughnut," and aren't we all? Sieg! Er ... sorry, that is, I mean: Gracias.